5 Ways to Stay Motivated (and Working!) During a Pandemic

5 Ways to Stay Motivated (and Working!) During a Pandemic

All blog posts, Freelancing, Health & Wellness
Image Source Shortly after ringing in the year 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought the world as we knew it to a fear-inducing halt, whether you're already doing freelance work or fully employed. Many of us reconsidered work (and housing) options. We feared our jobs becoming “non-essential,” we adjusted to working from home full-time While we await solutions, it can be difficult to stay optimistic.  Those of us working traditional nine-to-five jobs now contemplate freelance work and the gig economy to make ends meet. Those of us who are already freelancers and entrepreneurs know the anxiety of uncertain times.  So, how can you stay motivated (and working) during such crazy times?  Here are 5 ways to combat discouragement and reinvigorate (Or, begin!) your career as a freelancer—even in the midst of…
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Healthy Work from Home Habits – How to be productive, focused, and happy

Healthy Work from Home Habits – How to be productive, focused, and happy

All blog posts, Health & Wellness, Working from home
According to Flexjobs,75% of workers believe they would be more productive working remotely. And it’s true, working from home does offer many advantages. No commute, fewer distractions, and a personalized workspace to name a few. So, where does this extra productivity come from? And does working from home automatically make you more productive? The answer is not exactly. Working from home gives you the potential to be more productive. But, it also has its unique challenges and distractions.  People who are more productive working from home get a few things consistently right. They take steps to stay productive, actively create work-life balance and set up environments that make working from home easier. We’ll walk you through the basics of being productive while working from home, and creating boundaries for your…
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